If you like music, you’ll love the new CSD Audio Audi Allroad. I crammed a whole bunch of gear in this wagon, some of the best equipment on the planet. Man this thing sounds great! I could go on and on about specifications, part numbers and so on… but instead I’m just going to suggest […]
Tags: 6to8, Allroad, CSD Audi, focal, mosconi, No 7, Utopia
Just finished the trim panels for the CSD Audi Allroad. Lookin sharp!
Tags: Allroad, CSD Audi, LED, mosconi, Stealth, Suede

Come down and listen! It’s still a work in progress but it sounds amazing. Wrap your ears around the best sound on wheels, the CSD Audi Allroad. Call to schedule a private listening session today. 801-960-2999
Tags: CSD Audi, Demo, focal, Utopia

Here is a little teaser about the upcoming third version of the CSD Audi. This 2011 A4 Avant will soon have some of the best sounding audio equipment on the planet, Focal’s Utopia series speakers & Mosconi amplifiers. Stay tuned!
Tags: A4, Audi, Avant, CSD Audi, pioneer, PRS-A900, Stage 4